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Goal.com スマホ-Goal the action of making the ball go into a goal, or the score gained by doing this I scored the first goal COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1 something that you hope to achieve in the future adjectives somebody's main/primary goal My main goal was to get the team to the finals The primary goal of the 1917 Revolution was to seize andThe latest tweets from @NizaarKinsella

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Define goal goal synonyms, goal pronunciation, goal translation, English dictionary definition of goal n 1 The object toward which an endeavor is directed;59m Followers, 719 Following, 238k Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Goal (@goalglobal)(also known as Goal!The Dream Begins in the United States) is a 05 sports drama film directed by Danny Cannon and starring Kuno Becker as Santiago Munez, a young man from a rough background who is offered the chance to trial with one of England's top football clubs The film was produced by Mike Jefferies, Matt Barrelle, and Mark Huffam from a script written by Mike

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